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Thursday, June 11, 2009

My First Night at Moreh

An excerpt from my diary

(Moreh is a border town of Manipur (India) which is an important route for drug trafficking between India and Myanmar and is also known for its flourishing flesh trade)

16th April. 2001

It was exactly 4.05pm when our Expedition Team (Indo Myanmar Millennium Cycling Expedition 2001) reach Moreh. We were completely exhausted. My legs were beginning to hurt after cycling through the steep mountains for the whole day and bearing the scorching heat of the sun just added salt to the wound. So. I feel relieved to have reach the destination of the day. The team comprising of about 70 volunteers of the Manipur State Scouts Union including 17 cyclists and the media person left Imphal yesterday on a journey to Kalewa (Myanmar) which is about 120 miles from Moreh. Our aim is to renew and strengthen the friendship of the two countries. We will be interacting with the people on the other side and share our views, love and friendship. A cultural show at Kalewa is also on the cards.

On a good will mission the Indian Government had constructed a road named the Indo Myanmar Friendship Road stretching from Kalewa up to the Indian Border at Moreh. The Myanmar Government had also agreed to allow Indians to travel up to Kalewa with a simple permit without holding any passport. However, the Military Junta had not enforced the agreement yet and we are going to be the first team to enter Kalewa as per the agreement. And I feel myself to be extremely lucky to be a part of this team.

Most of my team mates had been at Moreh earlier and they knew in detail the nature of this place quite well. The town is the transit point of drug trafficking between the two countries. And obviously drug addiction is one of the main problems of the youths in the area. The town is also known for its flourishing flesh trade. Well! You know “Drugs and prostitution go hand in hand, inseparable like the two faces of a coin”. AIDS is another main concern for the town. Its summer already naturally the temperature is also unbearably hot, I guess more than 400C.

The night falls a bit early here compared to Imphal and this being my first night at this unique infamous town it will be a memorable one, I guess. We are now stationed at the Veterinary hospital. The night is quite hot although a bit less than the day but I am beginning to love the heat and feel myself to be at home although most of the guys are trying hard to cope with the oppressive temperature. They are trying all sorts of things to cool themselves some rolling on the grass just like a kid playing mischievously, some fanning each other and some drinking water from bottles as if they are ever thirsty. I think God must have felt pain to see this so He sent a sudden burst of rain bringing the temperature down. I drench myself in the rain to my heart’s fill. It seems that it has wash away all my pain and I feel so refreshed and light as if released from a big burden or sin. The rain didn’t last long; it left us like a sudden gust of wind. I changed my clothes and set out with some of my friends to have a view of the night life here.

The town was packed with people, road side eateries/shops lined the streets, gambling (Playing Dice) was in full swing although it is prohibited. We enter on one of these eateries to have some snacks while some other guys were trying their luck on the dice. I wanted to enjoy the fun more but have to return back for the dinner.

After the dinner, I laid my bedding on the verandah of the western block veterinary building near the gate to spend the night. I put on the mosquito net and lay down on my back thinking about the next day’s journey. I must have slept for a couple of minutes but then I hear some murmuring and wake up surprised and frightened. I remembered what my mom warned me before I left for the journey “Beware of those bitches at Moreh son!, if you sleep with them you will also suffer from the disease” I saw some cute damsels murmuring in a strange language which I can’t understand, may be fighting amongst themselves to have my body. I pick up a towel, chase them away and then walk up to the gate and sat on a stone nearby for a while to get some fresh air. Its half past midnight now, not a single vehicle is plying on the road, all the shops closed, hundreds of people which thronged the streets a few hours back could not be seen anymore. Forget the people, not a single dog is roaming around. The sweet sound of the rustling leaves, the dancing of water in the nearby stream and the cool and refreshing breeze blowing on to may face have created such a mesmerizing effect that I lost track of time. Just then those bitches turn up again fooling and nagging me. I tried to scare them away at same time looking around wondering if somebody or my friends watching me; for it will be quite embarrassing at this hour fooling around on the street. I thought its better to return and I hurried back. Thank God they didn’t follow me. May be they must have feel ashamed. I pick up my diary and note down the day’s events. The bitches have turn up again murmuring to my ear; coaxing me. I decided not to resist anymore, not to care about the consequences and let them have what they want. And I slept with those bitches.

17th April. 2001

I wake up early at around 4am. Three of those bitches were sleeping besides me fully satisfied and happy. I raised my right hand and give a nice slap on one of them splash! One killed. I turned to the second one and hit it with both my hands, killed, chase hard for the third one and finally killed. I wish those bitches are not female anopheles mosquitoes else I will be suffering form malaria in a few days.


Unknown June 12, 2009 at 10:24 PM  

i thought you are enjoying then, but you blog about with sleeping mosquitoes, anyway keep up

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